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The Argument From Douche-Baggery [Ken Ham Is An Idiot]

The Lie

For anyone who’s read my previous post concerning Ken Ham, you’ll have gotten a pretty good idea of how ignorant he is. Well, he’s either ignorant, or he’s a liar. I’ll let you decide.

In any case, in keeping with the scientific method – providing evidence to support one’s claims, I have more nail-in-the-coffin evidence that Ken Ham is either (a) ignorant, or (b) lying concerning evolution.

On his Answers In Genesis website, he has a “Media” section with audio, video and pictures of creationist propaganda in easy-to-access, easy-to-use, ignorant form. Of course, it’s all nonsense, lies and misrepresentations of actual science and reality. But, one of these especially caught my attention.

The title of this segment is called “Neptune’s wonders… “proof” of creation?” Here is the segment in question, for your listening pleasure.

The first quote from this work of genius is priceless…

You know, even though the incredible planet of Neptune can’t be explained by evolution, at the same time it really is strong evidence for a young universe. You know why? Well, you see, Neptune is a planet that can’t be explained by long ages of time.

Wow, Ken Ham! Your complete lack of understanding of what evolution is… it’s awe inspiring. I’ve never known someone to so brazenly take their own ignorance of a topic and recklessly use it against people who spend their entire lives studying that particular field. Is tithe money running low?

According to Ham, Neptune “can’t be explained by evolution.”

The Truth

This just kills me. Okay, let’s take a look at what Ham’s statement actually means.

How about, to elucidate on just how ignorant this quote is, we substitute the word evolution for evolution’s definition. Evolution can be defined as change in the frequency of alleles within a gene pool from one generation to the next.

Now, let’s put this quote into context.

You know, even though the incredible planet of Neptune can’t be explained by changes in the frequency of alleles within a gene pool from one generation to the next, at the same time it really is strong evidence for a young universe. You know why? Well, you see, Neptune is a planet that can’t be explained by long ages of time.

Ken Ham, you are an idiot. Neptune can’t be explained by changes in alleles within a gene pool?

I suppose next you’re going to say that calculus doesn’t explain elephants, and that this is “proof of creation.”

Now let’s look at some facts, which Ham has completely left out of the picture, and for good reason. Facts don’t support creation. Random nonsense, on the other hand, does.

  1. First of all, as far as we know, Neptune does not have volcanoes.
  2. Secondly, Neptune does not actually generate heat. It’s surface temperature is -218° Celsius. Pretty cold, if you ask me. (Neptune’s core is around 7,000° Celsius, which is similar to most planets in our solar system.)
  3. Thirdly, it is actually Neptune’s moon, Triton that has the volcanoes on it. And volcanoes on Triton are perfectly explainable by the gravitational effects of Neptune on Triton’s core. And these are not ordinary volcanoes. They aren’t spewing lava, or molten rock. It’s actually liquid nitrogen, dust and methane compounds.

Hey, Ken Ham. Maybe you should try doing some research on your topics before going off on some kind of nonsense tangent. I get tired of having to interrupt your nonsense with real, verifiable facts.

Now, Neptune may not be explainable by changes in alleles within a gene pool, but it sure can be explained by astronomy, geology and physics.

Ken, how about you try explaining things with regard to the field that they are actually involved with?

The Logical Fallacy

Technically speaking, Ken Ham’s argument, in this case, would be considered a straw man argument. You take a position A (evolution), construct a weaker position B (the “straw man”), and attack that position, instead of position A.

But Ham commits this offense so often, that I have now renamed this fallacy – naming it after Ham. It is now, officially, referred to as the argument from douche-baggery.

Ken Ham is a douche bag.

Read a book.

  1. Saturday May 24, 2008 at 9:41 AM

    Check out the book Rapture Ready! by Daniel Radosh for another interesting take on Ken Ham. The guy is just creepy beyond measure. And, d’oh, the ignorance or dishonesty these people exhibit is stunning.

  2. thewordofme
    Saturday May 24, 2008 at 1:19 PM

    Great post GodKillzYou

  3. Jim Shaver
    Monday June 2, 2008 at 9:13 AM

    Nice! You know, guys like Ken Ham personify the ID movement. Is it really so surprising that people of his ilk are the best ID can offer up? Unfortunately, they’re good enough for a great many uneducated Americans. Oh well, one does what one can. Keep up the good work!

  4. Monday June 2, 2008 at 11:37 AM

    Well done! And thank you, by the way, for making me look like an idiot in public. I was reading this post while sitting by myself at a bar waiting for my carry-out order and I couldn’t stop laughing! I almost spit beer on the bar when I got to the calculus/elephant line. Classic!

  5. Thursday June 19, 2008 at 2:02 PM

    Somehow i missed the point. Probably lost in translation :) Anyway … nice blog to visit.

    cheers, Fallout!!!

  6. Sebastian
    Monday September 15, 2008 at 9:05 PM

    Ken Ham is a real idiot. He lies to the people all the time, he must be sick on his head to come up with such crazy ideas. His “museum” is waste of money. I wonder if he got somewhere written on his head 666. I think he might have, he is the anitchrist, who under the cover of religion will come and will fool the people to follow his false teachings. I’m a Christian. Jesus gave us the New Testament because He knew that the Old Testament was full of hate, and violence, and overall nonsense written by the ancient people. I wish that Ken Ham can read what I am writing here, therefore, Mr. Ham I encourage you to read and understand the New Testament. God did not tell us to be stupid as you want others to be. God want us to evolve to discover things so we can help one another. That’s why we have modern medicine and all the science, and technology that we use everyday. Even you Mr. Ham needed to use modern technology, which is modern science to build your crack house. If you hate so much science why do you use modern thechnology, why don’t you go and live in the cave. Why do you go around our country and teach nonsense, why do you hurt the innocent children with your idiot teaching. Mr. Ham do you have any fear of God at all? One more thing to Mr. Ham and to others like him, I will cite one of the Gospels. This Gospel is about talents. Talent was a currency at the time of Jesus, however, in this Gospel the meaning of talents has a bit different sounding. Jesus said “One day a landlord told his workers to gather together before him. He gave one worker five talents, and told him to make good use of them, and multiply them for him, then he gave another four talents and told him to do the same, and the last one that came got only one talent. The firstone went and brought ten talents in return, the second did the same and got eight talents back for his master, but the one that got only one instead of multiply the talent went to his house and hid the talent deep in the ground. The master called on his workers and asked them what they brought for him. The first said – master, you gave me five talents, I went to the banker and got you ten talents. The master was happy with his worker and said, come to my house, you have done well, you were little among others and I’ll exalt you above others. The second came and brought back eight talents and the master said the same thing to him what he said to the firstone. The thirdone came and brought back one talent, and said to the master, I knew that you are powerful and mighty, that you want to reap where you haven’t sow, therefore, I was scared and I went to my home and hid the talent deep in the ground. Here is your talent that you gave me. The lord got very angry with this worker, and said, you vile servant, you knew that I wanted to reap where I haven’t sow, therefore, I will take from you what I gave you and give to the one that has ten talents, and you I will throw away from my house. There will be darkness and cold. Therefore, I’m telling you if you do not make good use of the talent God gives you, you’ll be striped of everything even of this what you do not have.” Therefore, Mr. Ham do you understand the meaning of this Gospel? I think that you do not. I will tell you then. Everyone in his or her life has a mission to do, we get talents from God, and some become doctors and help others in the hospitals, some are dentists, some are pilots, teachers, Professors etc.and some are scientists who discover things to make our life better. That’s right evolution was discovered and not invented. You on the other hand have hidden your talent deep in the ground to preach nonsense to the people, and when you’ll die do not think that you’ll enter God’s Kingdom, because you have mislead too many people through out your life. I think Mr. Ham that you have a serious mental problem and you need not only a doctor but a very good psychiatrist and even an exorcist to get rid off the devil out of you. You are possessed by the dark side. Give up the devil Mr. Ham and free your mind. Science comes from God, and in science especially evolution we find the beauty of Gods creation. And you on the other hand make God a magician who snaps with his fingers and brings everything to life. Come down from the clouds on earth to reality Mr. Ham and give up the devil in you, you freaken antichrist. To me you are an antichrist and I can bet a million $ that you have on you the number 666, and at night you probably grow horns on your forehead. Give up the devil I’m telling you or just go freaken back to Australia, you have polluted our country enought with your stupidity.

  7. Daniel Williams
    Wednesday November 12, 2008 at 12:13 AM

    Haha! I’m never calling it the straw man fallacy again.
    Dude u are so right though, Ken Ham is a douche bag. I am a Christian and still think he is a lying moron. WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU KEN!?!?

  8. Friday November 21, 2008 at 8:28 PM

    Ken Ham is a crackpot.

    Ham and eggs for breakfast, anyone?


  9. Sebastian
    Monday November 24, 2008 at 10:40 PM

    Yes, Ken Ham is an idiot. He will lose his useless fight. He is fighting God, and what he does he thinks is for the right cause. I’m also a Christian, and I wish to see all the idiot creationists go away and stop making Christianity a stupid religion. Another idiot is “Dr.” Marcus Ross. He’s got his degree in paleontology and now teaches at Liberty University. He said that he will prove that the Earth is 4000 years old. This idiot is missing a historic point that the oldest cicilization is 28 000 years old. This would mean that this oldest civilization existed before the Earth was created by the God of the Bible. Creationists make no sense at all. I bet you that if God and Jesus told Ken Ham and others like him, that evolution happened that science discovered it and other things, then Ken Ham would argue against God to correct Him. Creationists are from devil, and not from God. It is very sad that those people are still around these days. They go backwards instead of going forward together with developing world. There are many idiots one of the them is Kirk Cameron, and his servant Ray Comfort. It is really a wast of time to even comment on them, because they got no brain at all. There are of course more morons alike. Even if they will keep saying that they do not accept evolution, then evolution will continue to happen whether they like it or not. Evolution is a biological process, the same as the Earth goes around the Sun as an example. One may say I do not accept or believe that the Earth rotates in space around the Sun, but we all know that it does. We do not have to believe in that or accept it, because it is a fact, the Earth does rotate around the Sun, and it will continue to rotate whether one will not believe or will not accept it. However, as science will continue to progress those idiots will go extinct together with their nonsense. I wish that Ken Ham can actually read this critique of him, and come to realize that he is a moron. Amen to that :-)

  10. thewordofme
    Saturday July 25, 2009 at 9:08 PM

    sebastion….ever heard of paragraphs?

  11. Veryfunnyblog
    Friday June 4, 2010 at 2:24 AM

    Ken ham’s ridiculous arguments are no more stupid than those posted by the Christians above. Laughing at someone for subscribing to a slight variation of the NONSENSE you yourself believe is stupidity personified.

    • Tuesday April 23, 2013 at 2:59 PM

      That’s false. While Sebastian is a little out, he isn’t denying modern science. Belief in a deity isn’t anti-science in itself…that’s a false dichotomy. Obviously you’re one of those atheists that make the rest look like assholes. You’re as bad as the hateful creationists.

  12. John baptist
    Monday September 13, 2010 at 11:58 AM

    There’s obviously no proof of evolution you dimwits. You just want so desparately to understand everything…even if it means hitching your wagon to whatever explanation makes the most since to YOU. Your world is all about YOU. Is there ANY record of a man, millions of years ago…saying anything…at all?? No. There’s more evidence for proof of the Bible’s accuracy than there is for Evo.
    You have to take someone’s word for it. You just say, “Oh he’s a SCIENTIST (a smart guy), he knows!!!

    Ask yourself, does society have a history of trying to convince people to do things that steer them in the wrong direction? If you said “no”, then you don’t know ANY history. If a guy wants to say there IS evolution…FINE. If another guy wants to say something that is far more widely accepted & you disagree…even start a whole web page dedicated to your hatred of someone’s idea…well that sounds like fear, intolerance, absolutist, etc.

    • Death Jester
      Tuesday September 13, 2011 at 6:41 PM

      If there is no proof of evolution, then how come the number of people who believe in it passed the billion mark quite a long time ago?
      WE are the dimwits?

  13. Martin
    Saturday September 25, 2010 at 8:58 PM

    John baptist :
    There’s obviously no proof of evolution you dimwits. You just want so desparately to understand everything…even if it means hitching your wagon to whatever explanation makes the most since to YOU. Your world is all about YOU. Is there ANY record of a man, millions of years ago…saying anything…at all?? No. There’s more evidence for proof of the Bible’s accuracy than there is for Evo.
    You have to take someone’s word for it. You just say, “Oh he’s a SCIENTIST (a smart guy), he knows!!!
    Ask yourself, does society have a history of trying to convince people to do things that steer them in the wrong direction? If you said “no”, then you don’t know ANY history. If a guy wants to say there IS evolution…FINE. If another guy wants to say something that is far more widely accepted & you disagree…even start a whole web page dedicated to your hatred of someone’s idea…well that sounds like fear, intolerance, absolutist, etc.

    I don’t pretend I understand everything, but if trying to find out more evidence rather than saying “God did it” is all about ME well then I’m glad.

    I love how you say there is no proof of evolution and then call people who believe in it dimwits. Strong argument there buddy. I mean when you discredit 150 years of science you obviously follow up your argument with name-calling. Good strategy.

    And yes, society does have a history of trying to convince people to do things that steer them in the wrong direction, but you act like Religion had no part in this. Remember the Spanish Inquisition and the Crusades? Those were great ideas right?

    By the way, no, we don’t hate someone’s idea, we hate people who misrepresent facts and use biased “evidence” and arguments to discredit actual science.

    As for your claim there is no proof of evolution, read a book, please, because the amount of ignorance you showed is staggering.

    • Death Jester
      Sunday September 11, 2011 at 8:50 PM

      So hitching our wagon to whatever argument makes the most sense to us is a bad thing? Should we pick whichever argument makes the least sense? Aahhhh, so that’s where all those christians come from…

  14. Narcissistic Nihilist
    Monday December 6, 2010 at 10:50 PM

    Has anyone read Ken Hams’ book The Lie: Evolution ? He blames belief in evolution for racism, homosexuality, drug abuse, abortions, girls dressing up in nice clothes to get the attention of boys, corporate raiding and Hitlers’ treatment of the jews. This guy is seriously stupid.
    I kind of feel sorry for his children, to be honest.

    • Thursday September 1, 2011 at 9:19 AM

      (my reply to) “Has anyone read Ken Hams’ book The Lie: Evolution ? He blames belief in evolution for racism, homosexuality, drug abuse, abortions, girls dressing up in nice clothes to get the attention of boys, corporate raiding and Hitlers’ treatment of the Jews?”

      Yes, I’ve read it, Ken Ham is the wisest man on earth!

      p.s. I have done some research on darwin and in his stupidity, he said that black races are less evolved than white and that women are less evolved than men…hmmm, so that’s where you get your “wisdom”…I’ll follow Ken Ham thank you…

      • Death Jester
        Sunday September 11, 2011 at 8:52 PM

        Ken Ham is ‘wise’? He has publically said that he loves his wife because she is very submissive. If that is how you want to live your life, then go for it, but I think that women should aspire to a bit more than following him around and being treated like inferiors. Do me a favour and think about it, please.

      • Narcissistic Nihilist
        Tuesday September 13, 2011 at 6:28 PM

        Some people thought that over 150 years ago. Nobody does today because we understand evolution better. Well, except for Ken Ham. He doesn’t understand evolution at all.
        He blames evolution for the holocaust because Hitler once made a statement that could be loosely interpreted as a type of natural, or in this case artificial, selection. This therefore means that Hitler was a firm evolutionist, even though history openly tells us that Hitler was christian. Hitler was evil, therefore evolution is evil, because of that vague statement. We should hate evolution because KH has found a way to imply that it is evil, not because there is any scientific evidence against it (which there isn’t). This is a prime example of the argument from douche-baggery!

        By the way, anyone who thinks about this will realise how stupid it is, seeing as in those days the only evolutionists were the atheists, and anti-semitism can ONLY exist in a religious sense. KH is an insult to humanity.

      • Tuesday April 23, 2013 at 3:05 PM

        He didn’t say that, he was stating what someone else believed. And that still wouldn’t make evolution false.

  15. Narcissistic Nihilist
    Monday December 6, 2010 at 11:19 PM

    Has anyone read Ken Hams’ book “The Lie: Evolution”? I read it and found it to be absolutely hysterical, because the arguments that he proposes are simply ludicrous. According to Ken Ham, beleif in evolution is responsible for racism, drug abuse, homosexuality, abortion, girls dressing up in nice clothing to attract guys, corporate raiding, and Hitlers treatment of the Jews. Is this guy a moron or what?
    He says that agnostics are 100% biased, because they believe that we cannot understand everything, so we should not try to understand anything. He says in his book that an agnostic talk show host (on the radio) once asked him to provide as much evidence as he could for christianity being real in seven minutes. He says that he did so, by talking about the similarities in different cultures, and stuff like that, I can’t actually remember exactly what he said he said (I read the book ages ago), but he then said that the agnostic host said: “Well, I didn’t see any proof there. So much for that.” Ken ham then says that “What he meant was that he didn’t want to accept the evidence that I had given him, because it would have meant giving up his bias: agnosticism.”
    I am being serious here. He actually says that. Is Ken Ham a psychic psychologist? Or is he a moron who refuses to accept that the universe contradicts everything he says, and most people know this? I will leave it to you to decide.
    I want to say here that I mean no disrespect to most christians. I have about half a dozen christian friends. I am simply saying that people like Ken Ham, who want to move us back to the dark ages where we could believe that creation should be taken as the literal truth, should not be listened to.
    I actually feel sorry for his children, being raised by him.
    I agree with Martin. Religion, mostly Christianity and Islam (seriously, no disrespect intended), are responsible for most of the suffering throughout history. The Spanish Inquisition and the Crusades are just part of it. The witch hunts of medievil Europe, over a period of just over a century, had over fifty thousand women burned alive as witches. Hitler was a Christian, and he thought that he was doing Gods’ will in killing six million Jews. I know that a lot of people will say that Hitler was an Atheist who just used the church as an excuse, but may I remaind those people that Hitler was officially endorsed(not sure if that is the right word, ‘backed’ maybe) by THE POPE. Stalin was an Atheist, I will grant you, but Hitler most certainly wasn’t.
    Then there is Islam, with believes that women are inferior to men, and thinks that barbaric punishments should be used to enforce this. If a wife backchats her husband, the she is put in a metal mask with a spike shoved through her tongue for a whole day. One women fled from abusive in-laws, so some people caught up with her and cut off her nose and ears.
    Ken Hma doesn’t go this far, but he does think that men take priority in the world, and women were made to accompany them.
    As for those who say that there is no proof of humans from millions of years ago, you should google ‘Ardipithicus’, which is a skeleton of a bipedal human/ape species which has been carbon dated to be 4.4 million years old.
    Evolution is a scientifically proven fact. Even the Pope has conceded that Christians are allowed to believe in it and can still be Christians. If people don’t believe that it is real, then that is their choice, but I think that science will win out in the end and convince people.
    I apologise if what I have said offends some people, but this is how I see it. I know some people will disagree with me, and I look forwards to your posts debating these points.
    Remember: For those who believe, no proof is needed. For those who can’t believe, no proof is enough.
    Thank you for reading this post.

    • Thursday September 1, 2011 at 9:04 AM

      “The Lie:Evolution” actually opened my eyes. I have found that “science” contradicts itself more often than not. It takes more faith to believe science than it does an omnipotent creator. -A new convert

      • Thursday September 1, 2011 at 9:08 AM

        To New Convert: Yea, I’ve learned the same thing! It’s so awesome to be enlightened by the CREATOR. (Kristy Anson)

      • Narcissistic Nihilist
        Tuesday September 13, 2011 at 6:36 PM

        The difference is, science contradicts itself when a mistake has been made, and then the scientists go over it to find the contradiction and sort it out, fixing it so it does make sense. That is how knowledge progresses, not in glossing over the contradictions or changing the subject to keep things as convenient as possible for those in power two thousand years ago.

  16. Narcissistic Nihilist
    Monday December 6, 2010 at 11:25 PM

    Has anyone read Richard Dawkins’ book ‘The God Delusion’? It starts out being a bit too aggressive for me, but then it mellows off, and it provides a very interesting read for scientifically minded people who enjoy theological debates. Another good book is John Humphreys’ book ‘In God We Doubt: Confessions of a failed Atheist”. It is a book written by an agnostic, and it deliberatrely does not reach a conclusion.
    I hope that you read these books and enjoy them for the arguments they propose and the debates they inspire.

  17. Narcissistic Nihilist
    Monday December 6, 2010 at 11:29 PM

    I apologise for my first comment being the beginning of the second. I was on a library computer and it shut down. I thought that it had cut me off before I could post the comment. It had not appeared when I started writing my second comment, or when I posted my second comment. I am sorry for any confusion/derision caused.

  18. The Intereseted Sociopath
    Monday December 6, 2010 at 11:40 PM

    OMG NN U R a genius!!!!!!!!!!
    I agree with everything you have just said. I have read Ken Hams book, and I kept reading bits out to my family because they were so stupid. We all found it funny as hell!!!!!
    He said that the car was made when people based science of religion! What a terard!!!!!Did U NO that he sez that being tollerant of other religions is being intollerant of the absolute truth of christianity? Hahahahhahahahahahahaha! Loser!!!!!

  19. Narcissistic Nihilist
    Monday December 6, 2010 at 11:45 PM

    Oh Yeah. Ken Ham also says that evolution is responsible for Pornography. I think that that is pretty conclusive evidence that a) Ken Ham is seriously screwed in the head, and b) evolution is awesome. Where would we be without our beloved porn?
    It gives teenage boys everywhere something to masturbate to, giving sexual relief, as opposed to christianity (especially the priests, with their ‘abstinence’), which is basically just sexual repression. THAT is ther reason that so many priests become peadophiles.

  20. Death Jester
    Sunday December 19, 2010 at 4:16 PM

    I think that Ken Ham is seriously stupid.
    I also think that John Baptist is almost as bad. First, the evidence for evolution is undeniable, even the pope has admitted that. Second,there is evidence of man millions of years ago. Just look up ‘Ardipithicus’, like NN said. Third, I don’t think that creation is more widely accepted than evolution, except in america, where there are a lot of stupid people.
    There have been 43 surveys since 1925 to determine the corrolation between religious beliefs and IQ/education levels. 39 of those surveys found that the higher someones IQ or the better their education, the less likely they are to be religious. Bare in mind that this is just in america. I don’t think that they have done those surveys in europe, which is a fairly secular place.

    • Sunday December 19, 2010 at 4:36 PM

      What needs to happen is that we need to get back to the basics. Before anyone can claim that God inspired the Bible, before anyone can claim that God created the Universe, we have to get back to the basics. And what are the basics? Well, any claim that God did such-and-such begins with the unstated premise that God actually exists.

      Any discussion with a religious believer needs to start with the following statement… “Prove to me with verifiable evidence, external to the Bible and faith, that God actually exists. Without proof that God exists, you cannot begin to make claims about things which this alleged ‘God’ has done.”

  21. Death Jester
    Tuesday December 28, 2010 at 4:50 PM

    Personally I am a deist. I think that there is a god, and this god started life by bringing the first unicellular organisms to the newly formed planets (possibly from the future, because I think that this god can travel through time), and this god then kick-started evolution and then buggered off and left us to it.
    I have no proof of this, before anyone demands it, it is just a personal theory I am working on, because I cannot see any way that the inorganic matter of the planets could spawn sentient life.
    I also think that all religion is stupid, simply because it is religion. I don’t think that this god cares about us as anything more than a source of amusement. It ( because gender is a physical thing. and if god is all powerful then it won’t be restricted to just one body, it can be male or female) is just like us, only infinitely more powerful, as well as immortal. We are just insects by comparison. Think of a kid with an infinite number of ant farms and a giant magnifying glass.
    God does not care about us, except to join us in sex and violence. You know, the fun things. Evolution was invented so that things will continually change and keep it interested.
    When you think about it, religion is a massive waste of time. Why would an all powerful being require all these pointless rituals? And why would it be restricted to one gender, and why would it love all of us, even the rapists and murderers? Do you think a child loves each and every ant in it’s ant farm, specifically by knowing them by name?
    Personally, I think that the phrase Narcissistic Nihilist sums up ‘my’ god pretty well. There is no after life, we are nothing but organic toys for It.

  22. Narcissistic Nihilist
    Thursday January 6, 2011 at 10:35 PM

    Personally I cannot bring myself to believe in any higher being. If we were created by a higher being, then logically that must have been created by an even higher being. Where does the paradox end?
    I must admit though, I think that the main problem is not god, but religion. You are right Death Jester. Why are all these stupid rituals necessary? Maybe god really is a narcissist, and this just satisfies its’ vanity.
    Perhaps god invented all of these religions just so that humans would go to war with each other, so It could join in and have fun.
    I would recommend that you read Richard Dawkins book “The Greatest Show On Earth”. It is a fascinating read, and it provides proof of evolution that only people as stupid as Ken Ham could ignore, because, let’s face it, that guy would deny evolution if his god came down from heaven and said evolution was true.
    Retard :)

  23. Mark Scheuerman
    Sunday May 8, 2011 at 11:03 PM

    Thank you so much for putting that dick in his place. I’m all for people having faith but when they wrongfully and aggressively attack my beliefs something has to be said. I hope he learns something from his posting experience and never opens his mouth without the right evidence again.

  24. Narcissistic Nihilist
    Tuesday May 17, 2011 at 5:49 PM

    So he will never open his mouth again?

  25. Thursday September 1, 2011 at 9:10 AM

    (why do you remove posts that you apparently don’t agree with? Can’t you deal with the TRUTH?

    • Tuesday April 23, 2013 at 3:09 PM

      By “truth” you mean whatever YEC morons pull out of their ass, right?

  26. Thursday September 1, 2011 at 9:20 AM

    Thank you so much for putting darwin in his place. I’m all for people having faith but when they wrongfully and aggressively attack my beliefs something has to be said. I hope he learns something from his posting experience and never opens his mouth without the right evidence again.

    • Tuesday April 23, 2013 at 3:08 PM

      If you believe in Young Earth creationism to the detriment of the sciences and integrity…you deserve it.

  27. Narcissistic Nihilist
    Sunday September 11, 2011 at 8:45 PM

    I’m sorry, but I cannot see how The Lie: Evolution could convert anyone from atheism and science to creation. I do not have a problem with people having religious faith. The way I see it, it is like having (another) penis. You can be proud of it if you want. You probably go around telling everyone how big it is. But I really do not want you trying to ram it down my throat.
    I would dearly like to know how that book converted you, seeing as it seemed to me to be full of nothing but stupidity incarnate. Evolution teaches that we all descended from the same ancestor, and so we are all equal to each other. Creation on the other hand, can be interpreted (not by everyone, but by a lot of people) to mean that some people were created to be inherently better than other people. Evolution puts the lie to this (pun intended).
    You can say that religion makes people better people, but atheism teaches us to make rules based on logical and humanitarian principals, instead of just because we were told so by a two thousand year old book written by a bunch of cattle-sacrificing primitives who thought that all animal species in the world lived within walking distance of Noah’s house.
    And as for removing posts that he apparently doesn’t agree with, can you please provide details of these posts? I can count several that disagree with GodKillzYou, and he allows these to remain so people can express their opinions and then debate about them, as is their right.
    But have you noticed that their are so very few creationist sites that allow people to post comments. Why is this, I wonder? Are they afraid about what people will say?
    And what do you mean about dealing with the TRUTH? Every piece of scientific evidence supports, or at least does not contradict, evolution. Every type of dating system (excluding speed-dating, sorry, couldn’t resist) points to an Earth billions of years old, not the thousands of years that Ken says.
    In response to Darwin being racist. Well, pretty much everyone was racist in those days, and no-one is perfect. I am not claiming that Darwin was the perfect human being, but he was opposed to slavery, vehemently, and he wasn’t a pedophile. The church was at least as racist. The difference is, Darwin believed that blacks had simply evolved less, instead of evolved in different environments and progressed less technologically. Religious zealots believe that they were created inferior.
    Please post the TRUTHs you mentioned so we can debate them rationally and logically, instead of assuming a condescending air because you have been ‘enlightened’.
    You should read both sides of the argument, so I would highly recommend ‘The Greatest Show on Earth’. I am not talking exclusively to creationists here, but there are too few people in the world who are prepared to look at both sides of the argument before attacking those who they disagree with.
    Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I apologise if it offended you by disagreeing with your beliefs, but this is what I think. I look forward to further posts.

  28. Ralph Rover
    Friday September 12, 2014 at 8:44 PM

    “The wonders of Neptune”

    I gotta say, when my eye picked that up, for a moment I thought Ken Ham had gotten even battier and decided to advocate Roman Paganism.

    After all, how can you look at the sea and have the gall to deny King Neptune?

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