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An XBox Live Group For Skeptics & Atheists [Free-Thinkers]

Are you a skeptic? An Atheist? Agnostic? Free-Thinker? Do you love science? Do you appreciate logic and reason? Do you laugh at television “psychics?”

Let me ask you this. Do you love going on “Free For All” rampages on Call Of Duty 4? How about going head-to-head in a Gears Of War death match? Do you love to curb-stomp your enemies into oblivion? How about a friendly game of golf in Tiger Woods PGA Tour?

If you are a skeptic, and you’re on Xbox Live, I have a place for you to go to meet like-minded people. I’ve created a group on MySpace, as well as Facebook, for people like us.

Of course, obviously, this group is pointed toward a narrow audience. But, I think that it’s a good idea.

The group is called Xkeptix. Click the link to join up or take a look. Post your Xbox Live ID after you join.

Tentatively, this group is also on MySpace. I will probably stick with the Facebook location.

Read a book.

UPDATE: The Xkeptix now has an official blog. Check it out!

  1. Sunday April 20, 2008 at 3:36 PM


    as-salaamu ‘alaikum. I have read you old blog and thought that I might look at your new one since we are now part of the same community (wordpress). You wrote,

    “Are you a skeptic? An Atheist? Agnostic? Do you love science? Do you appreciate logic and reason? Do you laugh at television “psychics?”

    A skeptic, yes. I would say that I do instinctively doubt unknowns, however I think the difference between myself and lets say a typical agnostic or atheist for example is that I experienced the doubt at an early age, before the laziness set in. Therefore, I had enough energy to delve into traditional ways of religious practices in Islam.

    These are the same practices that were followed by the harbingers of modern science, those pious and some would say saintly Muslim scholars of the pre-Modern and Modern periods.

    So in that way, I suppose I’ve been able to satisfy some questions to my satisfaction, that is the satisfaction of my heart and mind.

    I’m a Believer, and I love science and reason. I majored in a scientific study at NYU. But I do not laugh at those people on television, I feel pity for them.

    I will check out Xkeptics, inshaAllah. But, I imagine many would want to argue and I’d rather not put that kind of burden on them.


  2. Sunday April 20, 2008 at 4:40 PM

    I understand your hesitation. Personally, I enjoy debate. What I don’t like is when it turns into, as you say, arguing. Ad hominem attacks and emotional ranting.

    Civil debate is good. It’s how science works… it’s what makes science work. Two sides have an opinion and careful study determines who’s correct.

  1. Friday December 12, 2008 at 8:59 PM

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